Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council Honors the International Bridge Authority with Organization Award

CONTACTS: Joanna I. Johnson, TAMC Chair 269-381-3170 ext. 220 jjohnson@kalamazoocountyroads.com

Roger Belknap, TAMC Coordinator 517-373-2249 belknapr@michigan.gov

May 26, 2017 — The Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) has honored the International Bridge Authority (IBA) with the 2017 TAMC Organization Award. The award was presented to Bridge Engineer, Karl Hansen, General Manager Peter Petainen, and Thomas Buckingham of the Sault Ste. Marie Bridge Authority Board of Directors by TAMC Chair Joanna I. Johnson and other members of the council at the annual Transportation Asset Management Conference held yesterday, Thursday, May 25, in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

The IBA’s primary responsibility is to operate and manage the 1.9-mile International Bridge structure and international crossing plaza between United States and Canada at “the Soo.” Revenues to maintain and operate the structure and related assets come from a fluctuating stream of tolls. With the objective of maximizing the service life of the bridge the IBA implemented asset management to ensure the facility and structure will be maintained for future generations by integrating proactive preventive maintenance tasks and innovative technologies.

During the formal presentation of the award, TAMC Member Robert Slattery said, “The nomination of the International Bridge Authority (IBA) was brought forth as a result of their culture, comprehensiveness and innovation in deployment of asset management.” Slattery further added, “TAMC is excited to have the IBA leadership as a guest for this year’s Spring Conference to formally present their asset management program.”

To further encourage Public Act 51 agencies, the TAMC established the Organization Award in 2009 to acknowledge those agencies that have incorporated the principles of asset management and adopted an asset management plan to help guide their investment decisions. In addition, the TAMC Awards Program provides agencies around the state with excellent case examples to establish their own programs and best practices. Roger Belknap, Coordinator of the TAMC nominated the IBA for the TAMC Organizational Award and this nomination was supported by members of the TAMC and support staff at the Michigan Department of Transportation.

Transportation asset management is a process of managing public assets, such as roads and bridges, based on the long-range condition of the entire transportation system. TAMC, created in 2002 by the Michigan Legislature, promotes the concept that the transportation system is unified, rather than separated by jurisdictional ownership. Its mission is to recommend an asset management strategy to the State Transportation Commission and the Michigan Legislature for all of Michigan’s roads and bridges.

 Peter Petainen, Thomas Buckingham and Karl Hansen of the International Bridge Authority receive TAMC Organization Award at the Spring 2017 Transportation Asset Management Conference                                    photo by Tim Burke, MDOT
Peter Petainen, Thomas Buckingham and Karl Hansen of the International Bridge Authority receive TAMC Organization Award at the Spring 2017 Transportation Asset Management Conference photo by Tim Burke, MDOT

Chair: Joanna Johnson, CRA; Vice-Chair: Bill McEntee, CRA; Bob Slattery, MML; Gary Mekjian, MML; Jon Start, MTPA; Dave Wresinski, MDOT; Brad Wieferich, MDOT; Don Disselkoen, MAC; Derek Bradshaw, MAR; Jennifer Tubbs, MTA; Rob Surber, MCSS

### View road and bridge conditions, interactive dashboards and learn more about Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council: www.michigan.gov/tamc