Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge Painting Project Begins Later This Week

July 12, 2022

Fast facts:
– A $3 million (Canadian) painting project at the Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge is scheduled to begin on the Canadian side of the bridge this week.
– A high-ratio calcium sulfonate alkyd (HRCSA) one-coat paint system should save costs, enhance corrosion resistance, speed completion time, and minimize disturbances.
– The International Bridge Administration (IBA) advises motorists to expect delays, remain alert for workers, and use caution when traveling through the work zone. (more…)

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Falcons Banded at International Bridge

June 17, 2022

Fast facts:
–  A pair of peregrine falcons successfully nested on the Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge, where the birds have been returning for years, raising three chicks.
–  A live video stream is viewable at The best time for bird watchers to see the falcons is when they’re nesting in the spring.
–  The peregrine falcon has been removed from the federal endangered species list but is listed as an endangered species in Michigan.

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Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge Reminds Commuters to Check Accounts

March 28, 2022

Fast facts:

– The government of Canada announced it will remove the pre-entry COVID-19 test requirement for fully vaccinated travelers on April 1.

– The International Bridge Administration (IBA) reminds commuter customers who are resuming international crossings to check their Prox card accounts.

– Prox card users can check their account balances, get new cards, or update credit card billing information by visiting, or by calling 906-635-5255 or 705-942-4345, ext. 105 or 0. (more…)

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International Bridge board hears inspection updates


Fast facts:

  • The International Bridge recently underwent a routine detailed inspection of the entire span.
    Ongoing maintenance is keeping the bridge in good to fair condition.
  • The Sault Ste. Marie Bridge Authority (SSMBA) board of directors named member Nicholas White as its chair and member Natalie Kinloch vice chair for 2022.
  • November 8, 2021 — The Sault Ste. Marie Bridge Authority (SSMBA) board of directors, the bi-national body that supervises operations of the International Bridge, heard reports on a recent bridge inspection at the board’s regular meeting last Thursday.


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